Oliver at Everyday People Yoga 352 W. 12th Avenue. 541-782-8678. EPYogaEugene.com

His name is Oliver, and you can’t miss him. He won’t allow you to. He insists you say hello at the door and pet his soft coat, then tries to sneak into a class at Everyday People Yoga because, well, everyone assumes he wants to be the center of attention and lead the class.

Oliver — a handsome gray cat with tan striped legs whose forever home is a bungalow across the street — is a presence at Everyday People, and he is stress relief all by himself. 

“Oliver is our unofficial welcoming crew,” says Melissa Jackowski of Everyday People. “That guy knows everyone! He recognizes cars, people, and has the studio schedule down pat.”

Now, the rule is Oliver can’t step into the yoga studio and demonstrate the perfect downward dog pose because of the fear of allergies among the students. Yet he is adept at sneaking in, and the staff has the chore of gently ushering him out, always with a smile.

After an hour-long class at Everyday People to refresh the mind and body, it’s always good to see Oliver on the other side of the door for another pet. He’s one last reminder to live in the moment, and that’s what the practice of yoga is all about.