1. Ila Rose Ilaroseart.com
  2. Shanna Trumbly Shannatrumbly.com
  3. Wayde Love Facebook.com/wayde.art

Ila Rose has always been compelled to draw and paint, even as a kid. And, she says, nature is a big part of her inspiration.
“We would be tanning hides as kids,” she says of her upbringing in Eugene. “It was part of this connection, which trickled into my life.
“That’s had a huge impact on what stimulates me visually,” she goes on. For Rose, “Nature is where spirit lies, visually.”
Painting fulltime, Rose works in watercolors, acrylics and oil paint. One of her murals is near the corner of 3rd and Lincoln, part of Eugene’s 20X21 Mural Project.
Rose says people, family and friendships are also important to her work. “The energy of people in your life effects what you create,” she explains. “One of my biggest influences is my sister.”
Painting is a form of therapy and also meditation for Rose. “As I’ve gotten more into meditation I’ve seen the correlation,” she adds. “It helps me to take a break from my brain, and that in itself is therapy.
“I’m just constantly, amazingly, honored and humbled by how much support I get in this community,” she goes on. “It makes me feel like part of something bigger. I’m humbled by it.”